Pro AV Catalog

Premier Mounts

2620 Palisades Dr.
Corona, CA 92882
United States
Project List
DSEG Certification Announcements
Posted on Sunday, August 30, 2015

Please join us in congratulating Mike Dinh, Brenda Arellano, and Joan Iem for completing the course training for their Digital Signage Experts Group (DSEG) certification


The DSEG course expands digital signage training to more fully understand: 

  • Market trends
  • Return on Investment (ROI) & Return on Opportunity (ROO)
  • Application requirements
  • Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
  • Digital content & software
  • Digital signage hardware
  • Key elements of digital signage operation 

We appreciate our team members' continuing dedication to excellence, and invite you to reach out to them with your digital signage questions. To learn how you can take advantage of DSEG certification through Premier Mounts and Brawn Consulting, please contact our Customer Care department via email, or by calling 877.668.6830.
